I debated whether to write this post for Skankbusters or Review of Applied Ethics. Actually, I shall put it up on both.
I didn't watch Sarah Palin's talent segment last night in her quest for the Miss Skank America crown...excuse me, the vice presidency of a very populous nation. I have read very little about it; there was no need. Her entire presentation, from the top of her bubble do to the tips of her peep-toe little girl high-heels, assures me that, inside, there beats the heart of a teenager who never got past dry humping under the bleachers. Perhaps, actually, she has morphed herself into her bleachers partner, the dumb jock who would now very likely espouse shooting bears from helicopters.
Katie Couric--who, if nothing else, finds it difficult to diss anyone--has damned Palin not with faint praise, but outright disdain. Katherine Parker, a conservative, has seen the light. It would be hard not to. Palin's orb of ignorance shines very brightly.
There is a web site called Women Against Palin, calling for her to step down for the good of us all. Gloria Steinem has rung in with a very reasoned plea for women not to vote for this woman. Steinem noted that feminists regard Palin as a shill meant to fool those women who do not understand the women's movement, a formerly successful movement involving improvements--equality--for all women, with justice and fairness. Nothing about the women's movement called for revolting displays of ignorance dressed up like the doggy's dinner and pandering to dunderheads, fools, and good ole boys. It still doesn't...and as far as I'm concerned, especially in this Era of Imbecility...the movement still isn't dead. See Women Against Palin as proof.
But the original question I posed, above, was this: Is the urge to puke evidence of the presence of a skank? I contend that it is. I say this having, within the past twenty minutes, been treated to a still photo of Sarah Palin 'winking' to the audience at her debate, so called, last evening. I read she also blew the audience a kiss.
After eight years of a smirking chimp, I wonder if we can withstand any years of a Winking Wonk, or Smoochy Sarah. I want to puke.